如果有绿卡的话,你要填1040/1040A。中国部分收入如何处理见1040 instruction Page20/1040
instruction Page21和其中提到的相关表格。或者你直接用报税软件吧。
Foreign-Source Income
You must report unearned income, such as interest, dividends, and pensions,
from sources outside the United States unless exempt by law or a tax treaty.
You must also report earned income, such as wages and tips, from sources
outside the United States.
If you worked abroad, you may be able to exclude part or all of your foreign
earned income. For details, see Pub. 54 and Form 2555 or 2555-EZ.
如果你没有在任何连续12个月内在国外住满330天 就不能用2555 form了
但是可以在21项 写 other income from China。然后用form1116算你的foreign tax |